Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Topless Tuesday: Stephanie Seymour, 1991

Stephanie has already been featured on this blog as a wall-mounted bust, so she’s established herself as an artist’s muse.

I recently happened across the website of an artist by the name of Paco Leal, who is occasionally inspired by our SI girls. He chose this worthy shot of Stephanie:

… to create this piece, which, sadly, has already been sold.

Fortunately, if you have $6,000 lying around, you can still pick up this painting of the greatest photograph ever taken.

Anyway, he’s described as working in oil on canvas, but these are a little too perfect as reproductions, so I suspect there’s some tracing and/or computering involved in his methods.

Here’s another photorealistic reproduction of a Stephanie pic (possibly the most glorious photo ever taken of her) by a pinup artist named Gennadiy Koufay.

It’s pretty insane that such an exquisite woman never got an SI cover.


Anonymous said...

Is it terrible that to me the most iconic SI memory I have of Stephanie is seeing her ass get brushed in the original swimsuit video? lol. I can't imagine that Stephanie wouldn't have ended up on a cover if she hadn't gone blonde/got pregnant/posed for Playboy.

Anonymous said...

No disrespect intended to Paco Leal, but let's give proper credit to the ORIGINAL photographers of these images:

1) The top painting, Stephanie in the red veil, is from an original photo by Hans Feurer.

2) The middle painting, Elle and Kathy in the pool, is from an original photo by Robert Huntzinger.

3) And the bottom painting, wet Stephanie in the lagoon, is from an original photo by Marc Hispard—better known to aficionados for matter-of-factly instructing a makeup artist to apply oil to Stephanie's ass with a paintbrush! That documentary made quite an impression on a certain eleven-year-old boy back in 1989...

Great blog BTW.

Swimsuitologist said...

Love the photographer credits, and thanks for the note!