Sunday, June 30, 2019

Not Quite Finnish

Hailey Clauson and Bo Krsmanovic were such an iconic duo in 2017, huddled together against the icy Finnish landscape…

… that a year later Beach Bunny swimwear reunited them (in a warmer climate) to model some of their highly deserving swimsuit designs.

The shoot is listed as “Festival 2018,” but I have no idea if that’s a line of swimwear, or some kind of event, or what.

Hailey models the "Tango Bottom."

Bo's is listed as the “Skimpy Bottom” for some reason.

Their SI shoot was one of a handful of multi-girl shoots we’ve been treated to in recent years. I’m glad this chocolate-and-peanut-butter pairing was explored at least one more time.

A couple years ago, the SI Swimsuit app disappeared. I miss it. It often had more (and larger) photos than what you could find on the site. And occasionally you’d find a weird little mistake left over from an editing tweak, like the way they tilted and clone-stamped this Sam Hoopes pic to create what they thought was a better angle.

Bregje got a similar treatment.

The app is how I found this interesting pair of Hailey/Bo Finland photos.

You may notice that Hailey and Bo, as well as every square inch of the background, are identical in both pics. The only difference is the “reindeer staging,” as they call it in the swimsuit modeling industry.

They manipulated the pic to move the deer. The original photo is the one with the deer that’s (1) farther away from the sled and (2) turned away from the camera. They wanted a more photogenic placement. Here’s a translucent overlay of the two pics.

Even the reindeer’s body is the same. They got a head from a different reindeer photo and affixed it to this one.

Why can’t SI let reindeer embrace their bodies as they are without unrealistic, photoshopped expectations?

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