Friday, May 1, 2020

Fruit Friday: Paulina Porizkova, 1984

I wish I had a nicer, digital copy of this photo.

But I think it’s worth sharing because, first of all, it means more Paulina, which is always welcome. And second, it led me to this “Same Suit, Different Babe” entry from the following year. Kim Alexis wore this same suit design (different color, different country, different postmark) for the 1985 issue, with the photo ending up in the 1986 calendar.


Anonymous said...

I'm such a dork that when I stumbled upon the floating market in Curacao all I could think was that Paulina had been there lol.

Swimsuitologist said...

I found myself in the same Dali gift shop in Barcelona where Judit Masco sat on the counter for the 1992 issue.

Anonymous said...

I was in Seville in 2012. As soon as they put up the preview pics of Ariel I knew exactly where they were at the Plaza de Espana. I couldn't believe that if I had just waited two months I could've stumbled upon an SI shoot.

I also stumbled upon the fountain in Sydney where Sarah Nursey was shot. Cause you gotta love a one issue/one picture wonder.