Monday, July 8, 2013

Happy Birthday, Daniella Sarahyba

Swim Daily has a nice little celebration for Daniella Sarahyba’s birthday. They provide an array of pretty photos of Daniella:

…and just for good measure, one of Irina Shayk:

…and two of Fernanda Tavares:
I guess it’s easy to get disoriented—Daniella is pretty intoxicating.

They also included a shot from 2007 with a little less retouching, specifically in, um, three key areas… (Original release on the left, today’s on the right.)
And this one, revealing a heart tattoo I was previously ignorant of, just above her beautiful Brazilian bottom.
•  •  •

And speaking of marks on the butt, Heidi Klum recently made an appeal for our sympathies by revealing her backyard sunburn on Instagram.
Heck. Why should the birthday girl have all the fun? Spankings all around!

1 comment:

John Rotten said...

Grrr! What's the point of showing a beautiful woman if you're going to hide the charming details of her body?!! End of rant.

Thank you for this post. Daniella is another personal favorite. I'm glad to see SI is giving us some unedited pics. She is one woman whose details have been airbrushed away too often.