Saturday, March 14, 2015

Happy Birthday, Ehrinn Cummings

The 2002 one-hit wonder is 34 today. Here she is in a pile of bananas:

And here she is in a slightly kinkier milieu:
(For some fashion spread or something.)


John Rotten said...

Setting aside that it's a crime Ehrinn only did one year, some of her pictures from that year are the best compositions I've ever seen in the Swimsuit Issue. Walter Iooss got the lighting just perfect in a few of those.

Swimsuitologist said...

They're also great throwbacks to when the models were allowed to look more real and less the product of computer programs.

It's eye-opening to look back on how different it was even ten years ago. I think now there's less artistry in service of more straight-up titillation.