Sunday, July 12, 2020

Of COVID and Covers

The swimsuit issue started as a way to fill time during the sports-light winter months, and maybe it’s appropriate that this year’s will arrive to distract us from the pandemic.

MJ Day announced that something will be revealed on Good Morning America tomorrow. Will they reveal the cover? I’m not sure what other surprise it could be, but her Instagram message invites us to guess.

Anyway, I think the issue goes live on July 21, about a week and a half from now. So let’s whet our appetites with some of the previews they’ve dropped for us over the last few months.


Kuato said...

Looking forward to this one. Hopefully there'll be a new black sheep hottie along the lines of Julie and Allie.

Swimsuitologist said...

I'm sure I'll find a model to fixate on. I always seem to manage that...