Wednesday, July 15, 2020

One-Piece Wednesday: Jasmine Sanders, 2020

I love high-cut suits. And this is a high-cut suit.

The V goes all the way up to her breasts, revealing that they’ve once again edited out Jasmine’s pelvis tattoo. But the sharp angle is interrupted by the belts at waist level. Which is the right move.

Contrast that with this number on Olivia.

This is the kind of swimsuit I fantasized about creating when I was an adolescent. I figured, if I liked high-cut legs, the higher the better, right? A couple of straight lines leading down directly from the armpits. The sharpest angle you can get.

I’m a grownup now, and I recognize that this is too much. Maybe the sleeves could be removed and used as a couple of belts?

Anyway, I'm getting more and more into Jasmine. Those pale eyes are so striking.

Unfortunately, this might be another instance, like with Erin Heatherton, where SI doesn't quite capture the model as beautifully as she deserves. Here are some Victoria's Secret photos that I think elevate her beyond what we've seen from SI so far.

(They erase her tattoo too...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You would think that a leg could never go too high, yet it can. Jasmine's body looks amazing in her suit.