Monday, April 29, 2019

Well, This Is Genuinely Fascinating

Halima Aden, a hijab-wearing Muslim model, will be in this year’s issue, sporting a burkini.

There is a LOT going on here, issues of race and culture and religion and feminism and sexuality intersecting in a move that’s bold and maybe a little bewildering.

She’s adorable (her interviews are filled with very infectious smiles and screams). But I admit, I’m still getting my head around this…

Like, it’s no secret that the swimsuit issue is eye candy. But is it improper to let my eyes wander up and down Halima’s (almost entirely covered) body?

My very limited understanding of the hijab and the burkini is that they’re based on religion-inspired modesty. This seems to be at odds with the very idea of the swimsuit issue, where even the feminist activism involves naked ladies.

(Fun little irony: Just as you’re thinking about how skittish Islamic culture is about the female body, this Good Morning America story censors the cleavage on old swimsuit covers.)

But if this is a further celebration of diversity, I’m all about it. I like declarations that religion and feminism and liberalism are compatible with fun and sexiness. And I’m positive I will still have my Barbara Palvin bikini pics on the very next page.

Welcome, Halima!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I noticed the same thing when I just watched the GMA story. Covering up a 35 year old cover of Paulina that they had zero issue showing back in the day. It's just so absurd.

But welcome to Halima! A pretty smile and a sweet disposition will do it for me every time.