Friday, January 11, 2019

Calendar Girls, Revisited: 1993

So, it's looking more and more like the swimsuit issue will be later than normal this year. Normally we'd be a month out at this point, and there'd have been plenty of communications about it. But other than a bit of activity last year, there's been a whole lot of silence.

As long as this February won't bring us any new photos, we might as well look at a February past. A couple of under-the-radar models graced us on 2/19/93: Shana Zadrick was the calendar girl and Tanya Mityushina was born.

A couple weeks later, we got Bregje Heinen and Judit Masco on March 5.

After couple more weeks, we had a collaboration between two cover girls: Kathy Ireland welcomed Danielle Herrington on the 26th.

And on October 8, Ashley Richardson introduced us to Barbara Palvin, for which we should be quite grateful.

I can't leave without mentioning Adaora. I believe she was born in 1993, but I can't for the life of me find the actual date. So here she is, in all her loveliness.


Anonymous said...

I'm looking for an old Kathy Ireland picture where she's running on a beach, topless but covering her chest with her hands... I can't seem to find it online anywhere --- any chance you could post it?

Swimsuitologist said...

Interesting ... I can't think of the photo you're describing. Was it from SI? Do you remember the color of the bikini bottom or any other detail?

Anonymous said...

You can see it at the 5:18 mark of this clip:

but maybe it's not an SI picture?

Swimsuitologist said...

Wow, I don't think I've ever seen that one before. (And what an awkward interview...) I wonder if it was from SI.

Anonymous said...

The other one I would like to see a better version of is this one: