Friday, May 10, 2019

What I've Seen of Twenty-Nineteen

A handful of quick takes.

Halima Aden looks gorgeous. But her photos seem like a fashion shoot for Elle or something.

It’s still a head-scratcher. I’m not sure what to do with my eyes.

Hailey Clauson’s photos are a bit of a letdown. She’s one of my current favorites, but this year she has a lot of awkward, unflattering poses in awkward, unflattering swimsuits.

This photo is, weirdly, one of her best this year, despite showing off none of her body. It’s her gorgeous face in an unguarded smile (I bet cradling a koala will do that for you).

Hailey has to come back next year. I don’t want this to be her last appearance.

Danielle Herrington, on the other hand, has a great year. I think she looks fantastic.

Though I’m not a fan of the “thin, vertical nipple strap extruding bipolar boob spillage” style. SI uses this type of top a LOT lately, especially on the more buxom ladies.

Too much, in my opinion.

Swimsuitologist favorite Myla Dalbesio looks great. Those eyes.

And she provides 2019’s one example that I’ve (so far) seen of the “all body, no head” genre of photos.

I briefly thought she gave us a “Same Suit, Different Babe” with Hannah Ferguson from a few years ago…

…but no, they are different suits from different designers.

Anne de Paula does indeed have a better year than last year. Some very nice photos.

But SI, once again, for at least the fifth time, decides to use Kenyans as human props.

What is it about Kenya??

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